Tips For New Students in Higher Education

Mahasiswa Baru
Ilustrasi : Mahasiswa Baru
For my friends who had just graduated from high school / vocational school, will usually confused to attend school where, or do not attend school but work, and so on. As well as me personally, who had just experienced. Entering the new world, the world of college. Of course, very different from the situation while in high school. The difference is felt between college and high school is when we learn in the classroom. If we are still taught in high school, still fully guided by the teacher at the front, but in contrast to the lecture, we will learn to be more independent in learning.

                At the beginning of the term, as a freshman in general will face some of the things that must be dealt with carefully. Some of these examples is facing new friends, how do we deal with it ?. In this case, we must be careful not to carry on any association. This is very powerful because we are going to college for 4 years. So at the beginning you should have some kind of learning contract commitment or should we apply for 4 years. Learning is not just in the context of the course, but also including the self-learning, learning to get along with friends, learn to deal with new friends, and so on.

                As I faced in recent months. I am a freshman at one of the College of State in Yogyakarta. I undergo the registration process until the announcement alone. Until diperkuliahanpun, I still often live my days alone. Except when in class. It is my live happily, because I have a principle from the outset to be careful when choosing friends. There is no old friends in this new life. All that I face are new things. Including my friends. Lots of new friends, so it happens, I have to really choose the right friends. A process like this, for me is not an easy thing. Not enough with one week, two weeks, or even one day, two days. Currently, I am still enjoying the process. Hopefully I get a suitable companion, and remain on the right corridor.

                From the little experience I have gained above, I have some advice for friends who might still be a freshman. My advice is as follows:

  1. Be careful to choose a friend,
  2. Write your learning contract for 4 years,
  3. Learning self-sufficient in all respects,
  4. Be a principled / committed,

Thus. Hope it is useful!

[Hendry Sulistyo]
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