Tips Learning Success in Higher Education or Class

Kiat-kiat Belajar Sukses di Perguruan Tinggi
Ilustrasi : Kuliah
For my friends who had just graduated from high school / vocational school, will usually confused to attend school where, or do not attend school but work, and so on. As well as me personally, who had just experienced. Entering a new world, a world lecture. Of course, very different from the situation while in high school. The difference is felt between college and high school is when we learn in the classroom. If we are still taught in high school, still fully guided by the teacher at the front, but in contrast to the lecture, we will learn to be more independent in learning.

When we've decided to enroll in college-else we will face problems again. There is no harm we expect a fortune is in us, but not everyone can get good luck. Luck is like what? Many kinds of luck if we want to open our minds, not only conceptualized on one topic only. An example is accepted in the Campus luck dream. From there arises the problem, because not all students can be accepted on the campus dream. It is good we have a contingency plan to deal with things like that.

Next is a state when we entered universities, both public and private. The hope is in the Campus dream. At the beginning of the term, as a freshman in general will face some of the things that must be dealt with carefully. Some of these examples is facing a new friend. In this case, we must be careful not to carry on any association. This is very powerful because we are going to college for four years, not one month or two months. So at the beginning you should have some kind of learning contract commitment or should we apply for 4 years. Learning is not just in the context of the course, but also including the self-learning, learning to get along with friends, learn to deal with new friends, and so on.

As I faced in recent months. I am a freshman at one of the College of State in Yogyakarta. And this is a High School Campus My dream since I graduated. I undergo the registration process until the announcement alone. Until diperkuliahanpun, I still often live my days alone. Except when in class. It is my live happily, because I have a principle from the outset to be careful when choosing friends. There is no old friends in this new life. All that I face are new things. Including my friends. Lots of new friends, so it happens, I have to really choose the right friends. A process like this, for me is not an easy thing. Not enough with one week, two weeks, or even one day, two days. Currently, I am still enjoying the process. Hopefully I get a suitable companion, and remain on the right corridor.

    From the little experience I have gained above, I have some advice for friends who might still be a freshman. My advice is as follows:

  1. Be careful to choose a friend,
  2. Write your learning contract for 4 years,
  3. Learning self-sufficient in all respects,
  4. Be a student of principle / commitment,
  5. Motivate yourself so that the spirit of learning, especially when it is received at the Campus dream.

Then the Tips Learn How to Succeed in College? The simple question that may exist on friends when it entered and occupied the universities. Success in Higher Education I personally very broad scope. Can be successful in terms of both academic and non-academic success. A student achievement is the desire of all students. Many things must be done to get the predicate outstanding students. Achievement can be from inside the campus and also from outside the campus.

Some things to consider when we want to be the best students in the campus:

    1. Learning any courses taken,
    2. Never skip,
    3. Keep close to all the lecturers,
    4. Do any given task lecturer,
    5. Coming lecture on time, etc.
    Those are some of my tips to become outstanding students in the campus. Obviously there are many factors that determine when we want to be a figure of outstanding students and some of the points I have presented above, the likely effect on the scope of the class.

    In the world of work in general in Indonesia, including important academic achievement. But what's in academic achievement if not offset by the non-academic abilities. These two things in the world of education may be called by Softskill and Hardskill. Softskill is academic ability, related to the lecture in a classroom or a particular capability. While Hardskill is non-academic abilities, related abilities outside the classroom that are not tied to any particular matter, such as the ability to cooperate, ability of responsibility, honesty, and others. Some points to outstanding students in campus / class, it was included in the development Softskill. Then to develop the ability Hardskill, there is some way, for example, are as follows:

    1. Join the Student Activity Unit (UKM),
    2. Following organizational activities,
    3. The simplest is to become Executive Class,

    3 example above is a medium that can be used to develop Hardskill students. In essence, the two things I mentioned above that Softskill and Hardskill, should be balanced, which will be very useful when we are working.

    Lots of tips learned success in college, no less important is the daily life of a student. There are when entering college feel more concerned, for example because they have much of a family. But there is also the opposite, feel free when it entered college.

    Kiat-kiat Belajar Sukses di Perguruan Tinggi
    Ilustrasi : Kerja atau kuliah
    Creative student, became one of the points that are important in the daily life of a student. Creative is the ability to create, to think of something new based on experience, or what we think, yes that's creative. Creative Students then figure it's very important when we live in a new habitat included in everyday student. I myself is still learning about how to be creative student, which can be useful for many people. I apply the principles of Creative Students in my life today. Namely college while working on a small scale. With the ability I have, though not much, but it turned out to be very useful for me personally and of course for others. That is a small example of me about Creative Students.

    From my review-review long enough on top, about tips Learning Success in Higher Education. It can be concluded that the actual Success in Higher Education was not difficult, back to each individual run. Because success is not there at the hands of parents, friends, teachers, or anyone else, but there is in our own hands as a student. Broadly speaking, there may be a few points below the essence of my review above.
    Kiat-kiat Belajar Sukses di Perguruan Tinggi
    Ilustrasi : Wisuda

    Tips Learning Success in Higher Education

    1. Align intention in the beginning,
      Principled / berlomitmen is important, berprinsiplah that our college is not for play, a waste of time, but it is to study and learn, intend at the beginning that we intend to learn the college.
    2. Always Pray,
      Prayer becomes a spiritual thing that is needed, it is important, though not seen, but believe in the Almighty God that no one denies.
    3. Learning is the main task,
      Sometimes we will be busy with non-academic activities, such a thing is good, even very useful, but remember our primary task, which Learning.
    4. Remember parents,
      Lectures do not equate with a high school or something, lectures require no small cost, thanks to all of our circumstances, always pray for our parents.
    5. Busy yourself with positive things,
      Busy does not matter, as long as busy on things that are positive and useful to ourselves and others.
    6. Creative everywhere,
      Either on campus, dorm, or rent a home, always be wise with all the conditions, including a creative act that will be useful when feeling tired or bored.
    7. Use media with a maximum,
      Media are nice but not maximized, or media sober but maximized. Will be better results the second option. Then if you've got a great media and complete, why not maximized?
    8. Work on the task of lecturers well,
      Associated with academic achievement, faculty certainly will not be bored give us a task, do it well, do not get no work, and have a negative impact on the end of the semester.
    9. Expand Relationships,
      Expand relationships, network, will be useful at any time we need, or we needed,
    10. Prohibited Bolos / TA,
      Attendance is very important, so do not get skipped, or TA, stands Titip Absent, useless really absent contents but science can not.
    11. Join the Student Activity Unit (UKM),
      The campus must have a lot of positive activities, SME is one of them. When selecting SMEs, SMEs can choose to support the ability of our field.

    Thus Article on Tips Learning Success in Higher Education. If there are additional, suggestions, and criticisms, please write dikolom comment. Thank You. Hope it is useful!

    Written by:
    Hendri Sulistyo.
    Student Department of Broadcasting.
    Broadcast Production Management Studies Program.
    High School Multi-Media "MMTC" Yogyakarta.

    A first step, it will affect the next thousand steps!

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